Tired of logging into the GSA Advantage PO Portal to pull down purchase orders, confirm those purchase orders, mark those orders as shipped/cancelled, and manually process the Government Purchase Card (GPC) for payment? Introducing ePS GSA Integration+, the solution that helps every GSA Contractor efficiently manage their business on GSA Advantage.

Features and How It Works
- Automatically receive GSA Advantage Purchase Orders – No need to pull down and view orders in the GSA Advantage PO Portal
- Automatically create a Cost Purchase Order which is sent to the chosen Distributor – Eliminate manual data entry into any Distributor’s system
- Automatically receive GSA Advantage Purchase Order Cancellation Requests – Proactively manage customer’s cancellation requests after the order has been placed
- Automatically send GSA Advantage Purchase Order Confirmations – Keep the customer in the loop with status of their items as provided by the distributor
- Automatically markup your products with eCatalog margin rules – No more manually running formulas in Excel to determine your markup prices
- Automatically send GSA Advantage Tracking Information associated with Purchase Orders – Eliminate manual notification to the customer that their package is on the way
- Automatically charge the GPC for payment and provide level three line item banking detail to cardholders – No need to manually process a credit card transaction with the merchant processor