The Complete Intuitive catalog content management, order processing & eMarketplace Software Solution.
ePS is a software solution provider. Our One-to-Many approach allows suppliers to meet any buyer’s purchasing and financial requirements.

A custom eMarketplace for your customers that combines a full suite of our cloud-based applications, bringing your product offering to any size buying organization.

Catalog Management & Order and Fulfillment Automation built to integrate directly with any 3rd party eProcurement software or ERP.

Customized Web-Based Catalog and Shopping Experience Designed to Integrate Directly Into Any 3rd Party eProcurement Platform.

A robust GSA Advantage Integration made to automate any GSA Contractor’s order, fulfillment, and payment processes.

ePS National Diversity Veteran Small Business eMarketplace
The largest diversity, veteran, small business, woman-owned inclusion program in the country.
As Director of MBE Services at NMSDC, I am focused on strengthening the capacity of all MBEs to achieve business growth objectives. I have years of experience helping small businesses make decisions that work to the benefit of their organizations. In my role at NMSDC, I have come to know ePS (eProcurement Services) and the solutions they provide to certified minority owned businesses. ePS offers the most powerful and scalable software solutions that I have seen in my career through their ePS eConnect platform which allows the MBE to compete in any scenario, meeting the purchasing needs of any buying organization. ePS eConnect is structured with a “one to many” approach, allowing the MBE to conduct business using one solid solution (ePS eConnect) to meet the needs of many different customer requirements. Not only is this a very powerful tool for certified Minority owned businesses, but ePS eConnect is an outstanding investment value for the amount of $1,500. As a certified business owner, you will not find a more impactful solution to help with capacity and business growth.
- Icy Williams, Director, MBE Services
The ePS NDVSB eMarketplace Partners:
The ePS NDVSB eMarketplace Organizational Partners:

ePS Solution Features
ePS (eProcurement Services) Solutions are specifically tailored for buyers, sellers, distributors and business supply chain management to increase efficiency, reduce costs, gain visibility and control and scale their business to any level at an affordable cost.

Our solutions are economical and affordable for any size business

Integrate Everywhere
ePS Solutions integrate into all major eProcurement and eMarketplace platforms

Unlimited Scalability
Our solutions support businesses of all sizes and grow with your business

In-Depth Reporting
All of our solutions integrate into your business ERP systems for reporting

Audit Ready
Our solutions provide Level III Line Item Detail and automated reconciliation tools

Cloud-Based Software
Our platform is accessible over the internet, allowing access from anywhere at any time

Cross-Device Compatible
Our platform is accessible from any internet browsing device including mobile, desktop and tablet

Exceptional Support
We provide training, customer service and fast response times for you and your team

ePS Security Standards
Our clients entrust us to protect their information, and we highly value this responsibility. ePS (eProcurement Services) is PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant, and we maintain our compliance status by creating secure, regularly-assessed environments and processes related to the handling of payment card data and other information. Additionally, we create and maintain a secure cardholder environment (CDE) to safeguard how all data is stored, accessed and transmitted.

Network Security
We utilize network security best practices such as HTTPs protocols with strong 256-bit encryption, high availability firewalls, as well as secure FTP and AS/2 connections. All housed in physically secured and monitored data centers.

User Password Updates
We require all users to update passwords regularly to minimize the risk of user vulnerability

Protecting Cardholder Data
We encrypt the transmission of cardholder data across all public networks

Layered Approach
We combine both physical and virtual security measures to ensure the best methods

Vulnerability Management
We monitor and update our systems, apps and anti-virus software to mitigate security vulnerabilities

User Event Monitoring
For effective threat prevention, we track user activity and other events and store the data in an archive

Ready To Learn More?
Let Us Help You Find The Right eProcurement Solution For Your Business!