ePS-NDVSB launches a new solution that helps GSA Contractors automate their processes
Published : November 4, 2022Posted by : William Aemisegger
Introducing ePS GSA Integration+ – a solution that helps GSA Contractorsautomate the order, fulfillment, and payment processes for business on GSA Advantage.
AUBURN HILLS, MI, USA, November 3,2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — ePS National Diversity Veteran Small
Business (NDVSB) continues to arm small business suppliers with the needed technology to scale and grow their business within the Federal Government. Introducing – ePS GSA Integration+, available to all GSA contractors who are interested in efficiently managing their business on GSA Advantage. ePS GSA Integration+ streamlines and simplifies the business processes on GSA Advantage. The benefits begin at time of order. Automatically receive GSA Advantage purchase orders and have those orders translated into a cost purchase order which is sent to a chosen distributor – no manual intervention. Keep the customer in the loop with their order
through automated purchase order confirmations. Tracking information sent by the distributor is automatically fed back to GSA Advantage letting the customer know the product is on the way. ePS GSA Integration+ automatically charges the Government Purchase Card when the product ships – no need to manually process a credit card transaction with your merchant processor or
contact the buyer for their credit card information.
“Businesses of all sizes must continue to add new technology to their business plan to compete and grow. ePS-NDVSB is a market leader providing small businesses with the technology to scale
in any environment. We are pleased to announce our newest solution GSA Integration+, bringing our small businesses the capability to reduce manual processes and increase operational excellence in the supply chain.” states ePS-NDVSB President and CEO, David Saroli.
GSA Contractors can now expand their offering to an unlimited number of SKUs on contract. Manage business growth by investing in ePS GSA Integration+.
To learn more, go to https://www.eps-one.com/solutions/eps-gsa-integration/.
David Saroli
+1 855-690-3774
email us here